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Show Stan code for one of the models in the package.


show_code(model = "HBAM")



Character: Name of the model to show. Defaults to "HBAM". See the documentation for the hbam() function for a list of the available models.


The function prints Stan code.


#> S4 class stanmodel 'HBAM' coded as follows:
#> data {
#>   int<lower = 1> N;                       // n of individuals
#>   int<lower = 1> J;                       // n of items
#>   int<lower = 1> N_obs;                   // n of observations
#>   array[N_obs] int<lower = 1> ii;         // index i in matrix
#>   array[N_obs] int<lower = 1> jj;         // index j in matrix
#>   int<lower = 1> B;                       // length of scale -1 / 2
#>   int<lower = 1, upper = J> L;            // left pole
#>   int<lower = 1, upper = J> R;            // right pole
#>   vector<lower = -B, upper = B>[N_obs] Y; // reported stimuli positions
#>   vector<lower = -B, upper = B>[N] V;     // reported self-placements
#>   int<lower = 0, upper = 1> CV;           // indicator of cross-validation
#>   vector<lower = 0, upper = 1>[N_obs] holdout; // holdout for cross-validation
#> }
#> transformed data {
#>   real<lower = 0> sigma_alpha_prior_rate = (3 - 1) / (B / 10.0);
#>   real<lower = 0> tau_prior_rate = (2 - 1) / (B / 5.0);
#>   vector<lower = 0, upper = 1>[N_obs] not_holdout = 1 - holdout;
#> }
#> parameters {
#>   matrix[N, 2] alpha_raw;                 // shift parameter, split, raw
#>   matrix[N, 2] beta_raw;                  // stretch parameter, split, raw
#>   ordered[2] theta_lr;                    // left and right pole
#>   array[J] real theta_raw;                // remaining stimuli
#>   real<lower = 0> sigma_alpha;            // sd of alpha
#>   real<lower = 0, upper = 2> sigma_beta;  // sd of log(beta)
#>   real<lower = 3, upper = 30> nu;         // concentration of etas
#>   real<lower = 0> tau;                    // scale of errors
#>   vector<lower = 0>[N] eta;               // mean ind. error variance x J^2
#>   simplex[J] rho;                         // stimuli-shares of variance
#>   vector[N] lambda_raw;                   // raw mixing proportion, flipping
#>   real<lower = 0> psi;                    // mean of prior on logit of lambda
#> }
#> transformed parameters {
#>   array[J] real theta;                    // latent stimuli position
#>   matrix[N, 2] alpha0;                    // shift parameter, split
#>   matrix[N, 2] beta0;                     // stretch parameter, split
#>   vector[N_obs] log_lik;                  // pointwise log-likelihood for Y
#>   vector<lower = 0, upper = 1>[N] lambda = inv_logit(psi + lambda_raw * 3); // prob. of non-flipping
#>   real<lower = 0> eta_scale = tau * J;
#>   theta = theta_raw;
#>   theta[L] = theta_lr[1];                 // safeguard to ensure identification
#>   theta[R] = theta_lr[2];
#>   alpha0[, 1] = alpha_raw[, 1] * sigma_alpha; // non-centered specifications
#>   alpha0[, 2] = alpha_raw[, 2] * sigma_alpha;
#>   beta0[, 1] = exp(beta_raw[, 1] * sigma_beta);
#>   beta0[, 2] = -exp(beta_raw[, 2] * sigma_beta);
#>   for (n in 1:N_obs) {
#>     log_lik[n] = log_mix( lambda[ii[n]],
#>       normal_lpdf(Y[n] | alpha0[ii[n], 1] + beta0[ii[n], 1] * theta[jj[n]],
#>         sqrt(eta[ii[n]]) * rho[jj[n]]),
#>       normal_lpdf(Y[n] | alpha0[ii[n], 2] + beta0[ii[n], 2] * theta[jj[n]],
#>         sqrt(eta[ii[n]]) * rho[jj[n]]) );
#>   }
#> }
#> model {
#>   theta_raw ~ normal(0, B);
#>   theta_lr ~ normal(0, B);
#>   alpha_raw[, 1] ~ normal(0, 1);
#>   alpha_raw[, 2] ~ normal(0, 1);
#>   sigma_alpha ~ gamma(3, sigma_alpha_prior_rate);
#>   beta_raw[, 1] ~ normal(0, 1);
#>   beta_raw[, 2] ~ normal(0, 1);
#>   sigma_beta ~ gamma(9, 40);
#>   eta ~ scaled_inv_chi_square(nu, eta_scale);
#>   nu ~ gamma(25, 2.5);
#>   tau ~ gamma(2, tau_prior_rate);
#>   rho ~ dirichlet(rep_vector(20, J));
#>   lambda_raw ~ normal(0, 1);
#>   psi ~ lognormal(1.4, .5);
#>   if (CV == 0)
#>     target += sum(log_lik);
#>   else
#>     target += sum(log_lik .* not_holdout);
#> }
#> generated quantities {
#>   real<lower = 0> min_rho = min(rho);
#>   vector[N] kappa = to_vector(bernoulli_rng(lambda));
#>   vector[N] alpha = (kappa .* alpha0[, 1]) + ((1 - kappa) .* alpha0[, 2]);
#>   vector[N] beta = (kappa .* beta0[, 1]) + ((1 - kappa) .* beta0[, 2]);
#>   vector[N] chi = (V - to_vector(normal_rng(0, sqrt(eta) * min_rho)) - alpha) ./ beta;
#> }